This workshop allow you to discover and learn more of tahitian dances.
This program includes four three hours classes an a two hours lecture.
The three-hour classes are squeezed in the morning or at the end of the
afternoon so that you can have time for other activities such as
visiting the island or just enjoying our beaches and lagoon.
The two-hour lecture on dance: history of dance and dance in the
Tahitian society, are organized during the breaks, and at different
times of the workshop.
At the end of the workshop you will have the opportunity to participate to a mini show with dance dress and flower lace and crown included.
The final show will give you the opportunity to experience how it feels to be a Tahitian dancer, on a Tahitian scenery by the lagoon.
If wished, you could also participate to the confection of the vegetal dress at the last day of the workshop.
The show will last about six to ten minutes for a group of 10 persons. If the group is larger, the time of the show will be adjusted so that everyone has the opportunity to dance on the front row and stars in the video.
First day Session 1 three hours and a half
Contact. Instructions for body standing. General principles of hip balancing and rolling. Principles of moving in space: rhythmic time; full time…Relation between the music and the movement. Initiation to the listening of traditional drums. Basic notions of gesture and coordination exercises.
Second day Session 2 three hours and a half
Practice of previous movements. Speeding and slowing of the pace on a repeated rhythm. Assimilation of balancing and rolling (tamau and farapu). Initiation of two other steps (amaha and toro), with synchronized gesture. How to link gesture and meaning. Relation of the gesture and text. Endurance exercises (soft).
third day Session 3 three hours and a half
Practicing. Learning of two other steps (ami and varu). Choreography beginning level: two short combined movement on drums and one elementary aparima , e.g dance where the music is a song and the choreography is based on the words.
Fourth day Session 4 three hours and a half
This session is dedicated to practicing and preparation of the end of Workshop show.
The final show takes place on the scene of Painapo Beach, by the lagoon, or in the hotel
where you are staying. The Intercontinental has a scene for the shows.
Of course, participation is not obligatory.
The aim is always to make participants enjoy it and not to stress the student.
Pareo is obligatory for the workshop, and is part of the experience.